there is / there are : ~가 있다.

A clock is on the wall.     시계의 '위치'에 초점.

There is a clock on the wall.    시계의 '존재'에 초점.

뭔가가 있고 없고를 표현하고자 할때 there is, there are를 사용할 수 있다.
뭔가가 많다, 적다는 의미로도 응용하여 표현할 수 있다.

There are many apples.       사과가 아주 많다.

How many players are there on a soccer team?    축구팀에는 선수가 몇명 있나요?

There are eleven players on a soccer team.         축구팀에는 11명의 선수가 있어요.

There aren't many~ : ~이 적다 ( 셀 수 있는 것 )
There isn't much~ : ~이 적다 ( 셀 수 없는 것 )

It ...

- 시간,일,거리,계절을 나타낼 때 사용.
- 같은 말이나 뻔한 말을 반복하지 않고자 하는 경제적인 문장 구사에 유용.
   (동사로 표현되는 너무 긴 주어는 to로 연결하여 뒤에 위치시키고,
    대신 원래 주어의 위치에는 it으로 대신하여 표현할 수 있다.)

What time is it?
It's half past ten.
It's late.

What day is it?
It's Thursday.

It's three kilometers from our house to the mail.
How far is it from New York to Los Angeles?

It's raining.
It rains a lot here.
Does it snow very often?
It didn't rain yesterday.

It's nice to see you again. (it = to see you again)
It's impossible to understand her. (it = to understand her)
It wasn't easy to find your house. (it = to find your house)

<Compare it and there>

It rains a lot in the winter.
It's very rainy in the winter.
There is a lot of rain in the winter.

It was very windy yesterday.
There was a strong wind yesterday.

< Basic Grammar in Use>
Posted by 윤연식