(a) little + uncountable noun ( water, money, time, soup, etc. )
(a) few + plural noun ( books, quesdtions, people, days, etc. )
a little = some but not much
- She didn't eat anything, but she drank a little water.
- I speak a little Spanish. (= some Spanish but not much )
a few = some but not many
- Last nignt I wrote a few letters.
- We're going away for a few days.
little (without a) = almost no or almust nothing
- There was little food in the fridge. It was almost empty.
>You can say very little.
- Dan is very thin because he eats very little. ( = almost nothing )
few (without a) = almost no
- There were few people in the theater. It was almost empty.
>You can say very few.
- Your English is very good. You make very few mistakes.
<little and a little>
A little is a positive idea.
- They have a little money, but they're not rich. (= they have some money)
Little( or very little ) is a negotive iea.
- They are very poor. They have (very) little money. (= almost no money)
<few and a few>
A few is a positive idea.
- I have a few friends, so I'm not lonely. (= I have some firends)
Few( or very few ) is a negative iea.
- I'm sad and I'm lonely. I have (very) few friends. (= almost no friends)
<..in Basic Grammar in Use>
(a) few + plural noun ( books, quesdtions, people, days, etc. )
a little = some but not much
- She didn't eat anything, but she drank a little water.
- I speak a little Spanish. (= some Spanish but not much )
a few = some but not many
- Last nignt I wrote a few letters.
- We're going away for a few days.
little (without a) = almost no or almust nothing
- There was little food in the fridge. It was almost empty.
>You can say very little.
- Dan is very thin because he eats very little. ( = almost nothing )
few (without a) = almost no
- There were few people in the theater. It was almost empty.
>You can say very few.
- Your English is very good. You make very few mistakes.
<little and a little>
A little is a positive idea.
- They have a little money, but they're not rich. (= they have some money)
Little( or very little ) is a negotive iea.
- They are very poor. They have (very) little money. (= almost no money)
<few and a few>
A few is a positive idea.
- I have a few friends, so I'm not lonely. (= I have some firends)
Few( or very few ) is a negative iea.
- I'm sad and I'm lonely. I have (very) few friends. (= almost no friends)
<..in Basic Grammar in Use>