get a letter / get a job, etc. (get + noun) = receive/buy/find
you don't have something -> you get it -> you have it
"Did you get my post card?" "Yes, I got it yesterday." (= receive)
※take가 의도적,의식적으로 행동하여 얻는 경우에 쓰이는 반면에
get은 자연적으로 얻어지는 경우에 쓰인다.
I like your sweater. Where did you get it? (= buy)
Is it difficult to get a job in your country? (= find)
get hungry / get cold / get tired, etc. (get + adjective) = become
you're not hungry -> you get hungry -> you are hungry
If you don't eat, you get hungry.
Drink your coffee. It's getting cold.
Also: get married
get dressed = put your clothes on
get lost = lose your way
get to a place = arrive
I usually get to work before 8:30. (= arrive at work)
We left Boston at 10:15 and got to Ottawa at 11:30.
get here/there (without to)
get home (without to)
get in / get out/ get on / get off
on과 off : 표면에 닿고 떨어지는 개념 (board의 개념이 있는 것.)
get on the bus. get off the bus.
get on the train. get off the train.
get on the subway. get off the subway.
get on the plane. get off the plane.
[예외] 자동차(승용차)의 경우 : get in(a car) / get out(of a car)
< Basic Grammar in Use>
you don't have something -> you get it -> you have it
"Did you get my post card?" "Yes, I got it yesterday." (= receive)
※take가 의도적,의식적으로 행동하여 얻는 경우에 쓰이는 반면에
get은 자연적으로 얻어지는 경우에 쓰인다.
I like your sweater. Where did you get it? (= buy)
Is it difficult to get a job in your country? (= find)
get hungry / get cold / get tired, etc. (get + adjective) = become
you're not hungry -> you get hungry -> you are hungry
If you don't eat, you get hungry.
Drink your coffee. It's getting cold.
Also: get married
get dressed = put your clothes on
get lost = lose your way
get to a place = arrive
I usually get to work before 8:30. (= arrive at work)
We left Boston at 10:15 and got to Ottawa at 11:30.
get here/there (without to)
get home (without to)
get in / get out/ get on / get off
on과 off : 표면에 닿고 떨어지는 개념 (board의 개념이 있는 것.)
get on the bus. get off the bus.
get on the train. get off the train.
get on the subway. get off the subway.
get on the plane. get off the plane.
[예외] 자동차(승용차)의 경우 : get in(a car) / get out(of a car)
< Basic Grammar in Use>