
Present Perfect (2) <I have done>

윤연식 2008. 3. 13. 00:07

현재까지 이어지는 기간에 대해 말하는 경우에 사용.
(recently / in the last few days / so far / since breakfast, etc.)
- Have you heard from Brian recently?
- I've met a lot of people in the last few days.
- Everything is going well. We haven't had any problems so far.

today / this morning / this evening 등에도 사용이 가능하다. 아직 시간이 모두 끝나지 않았다는 경우에.
- I've drunk four cups of coffee today.
  나는 오늘 커피 네잔째를 마셨다. (오늘내로 더 마실 가능성도 있음.)
- I haven't seen Tom this morning. Have you?
  나 오늘 아침에 Tom 못봤어. 넌 봤니? (아직까진 못봤다는 뜻. 나중에 볼 가능성도 있음.)

어떤 일을 몇번째 했다고 말할 경우에도 쓰임.
- Don is taking a driving lesson. It's his first one.
   It's the first time he has driven a car.(not drives)
- Sarah has lost her passport again. It's the second time
   this has happened. (not happens)
- Eric is calling his girlfriend again. This is the third time he's called her tonight.

<excerpts from Grammar in Use Intermediate>